
John E. Matthiesen, Jack M. Carraher, Monica Vasiliu, David A. Dixon, and Jean Philippe Tessonnier

Electrochemical Conversion of Biologically Produced Muconic Acid: Key Considerations for Scale-Up and Corresponding Technoeconomic Analysis

John E. Matthiesen, Miguel Suaastegui,  Yutong Wu, Mothi Viswanathan, Yang Qu, Mingfeng Cao, Natalia Rodriguez-Quiroz, Adam Okerlund, George Kraus, D. Raj Raman, Zengyi Shao, and Jean-Philippe Tessonnier.

Miguel Suastegui+,John E. Matthiesen+,JackM.Carraher,Nacu Hernandez, Natalia Rodriguez Quiroz, Adam Okerlund, Eric W. Cochran, Zengyi Shao,* and Jean-Philippe Tessonnier*

  • Selected as Angewandte Chemie International Edition front cover [link]
  • Top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric. Among the highest scoring outputs from this source (#20 of 16,718)
  • Research highlighted in ChemSusChem as a “breakthrough in biomass conversion” [link]
  • More than 15 news stories, including from the Biofuels Digest, NanoWerk, and Biomass Magazine

(515) 294-1312
2116 Biorenewables Laboratory
Ames, IA 50011


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